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Lettre de référence - Reference Letter - Feature Film "EXODUS"
I write this reference with sincere warmth having been privilidged to work with Selen on my first feature film.

From the very first script reading she arrived with extensive notes having done an incredible amount of research for her charcater. I really enjoy working with actors who really get into details 

with their prep and enjoyed discussing her character and thoughts. During the shoot she made lovely decsions and in all honesty made my job very easy. She arrives prepared and is always engaged in the scene. When in doubt she asks questions and also offers alternate takes.

In our film she played a charcater who goes through many emotions and watching Selen go from joyful to scared to upset was amazing to watch. She is mesmerising and completely owns the scene. Not only that but she also had to spend a large part of the time talking and singing in a language that was not her own and our dialect coach was impressed with her dialect but also learning the parts of the language in order to respond accordingly emotionally.

There were several  instances where we had very dramatic scenes and Selens range of emotion is wonderful to witness. She can easily go from dramatic to comedy.

She is a completely committed actress and when the oppurtunity arrises I would work with her in a heartbeat.

On top of all that she is also a lovely human being full of personality and positivness.

Serkan Nihat- Director

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